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Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique!

Have you wondered about Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique (BBB) for your child(ren) but unsure if it is worth it or if they would sit for it? I want to share our experience with BBB when we did it for Talia's 3rd Birthday!

First off let's talk about making the reservation for it. I believe reservations are required, I don't think they take walk-ins due to the popularity. They now have three locations, Magic Kingdom in the Castle, Grand Floridian Resort & Spa, and in Disney Springs located in the Marketplace. I highly recommend making your reservation right at the 180-day mark especially if you do want the Castle. I was between the Castle and Disney Springs for the longest time but made the reservation for the Castle since we planned to be in Magic Kingdom all day. Now let's talk about reservation times, we did ours at 8:45 am because we planned to be there all day with no breaks. If you are staying at a resort for example and want to take a mid-day break or pool break I would recommend booking a later time so they don't ruin their style. If you do not plan a break I would say earliest as possible so then they can enjoy the entire day! Doing it at 8:45 am was the best decision! At first I was only able to get a 1 pm actually and was tempted to switch to Springs to make it earlier. Surprisingly four days before the reservation I found the 8:45 am at the Castle! I was so happy and excited. Now just because we found an earlier time or availability doesn't mean its guaranteed. If you cannot get the time or location you want I recommend booking your next best location and time, then keep stalking the website as I did. Honestly when it got closer to March I checked daily. You can switch your location and time as many times as you want, but once you switch just remember you will lose the old slot. Also, remember if you are doing it for your child's 3rd birthday it will have to be ON or AFTER they turn three. This is key, if they are not three, they will not be accepted. Also please remember, if you do Magic Kingdom you do need a theme park admission as well.

I will say with her being three I was so nervous with her sitting for it (she had issues sitting during haircuts). Turns out my worries were for nothing! Talia watched YouTube videos leading up her appointment. She was so excited and knew all about BBB before her visit and she did so well!

Now packages, there are many different packages that you can select from including knight packages. Packages can always change so I recommend always looking at the website to see options. Also if you are local, you can visit any of the locations and they can give you a pamphlet. Click here to view current packages and prices, I also attached a photo of the current packages as of now listed on the site. This link will take you to the MK location but the packages are the same at all three locations and all the same price. Depending on what package you select will determine what you get. We did the Carriage Package for Talia because that fit us the best and she received a shirt to remember the day. I think we paid around $112 with tax included. If you plan on getting a dress, I will say if you are eligible for discounts (APs, DVC, CMs) then I would recommend buying a dress in a store then doing one of the packages not including the dress. You will save money that way, you do not get discounts on BBB packages. We went to World of Disney the night before where we allowed Talia to select any of the Princess dresses, she selected Snow White! Talia was in all her glory. I would say World of Disney at Disney Springs or Sir Mickey's at Magic Kingdom will be the best spots to get a dress. They typically will have all the princess dresses available.

Now let's talk about the day of! So if you buy your dress prior, you can either dress them prior or while there. We opted to dress her prior because she was too excited to wait! We made her reservation right on her 3rd birthday on March 2nd. If you do Magic Kingdom please make sure you leave at least an hour before your reservation to ensure enough time to get there. If it's before the park opens, you'll be allowed in prior. Now everything I will write about now will be based on the MK location. Check-in will be behind the Castle. if you have a stroller you will need to park it prior. Please note that only two adults are allowed per child. Jace was allowed to come with us though because he was under 3. If you have more family members with you, I was told you can switch. You'll check-in at their front desk and will be given a binder with all the options and when they call you back you'll tell them which packages you would like and also which hairstyle. If you get a package with the shirt, tutu, or dress they will ask you what size, etc. There are additional products you can purchase from there as well! You'll then be rung up at the cash register. Once you are finished they will take you to a changing room where you can either change if needed and then they will play a special video from the one and only Fairy Godmother. It was very magical and both kids loved it. After that you'll wait for your Fairy Godmother In-Training to come to get you.

We waited not that long before our Fairy Godmother In-Training came and got us. She took Talia's hand and we walked to the Castle, me I was already crying because it was already getting magical without it fully even starting yet. Talia's face just said it all at that moment, the time was here and she was getting her princess makeover and not just anywhere but inside Cinderella's castle! She was sat in her royal seat and the makeover began! The castle setting is so regal and you just feel like royalty being in there.They have photopass roaming around but you can also take as many photos as you want! I recommend doing this so you have every magic moment there. I brought my Nikon DSLR camera with me so I could take many photos myself.

They work on all kinds of hair, Talia's hair is about shoulder length and she was still able to get it into a bun. Talia sat like a champ while her hair was being done (my biggest fear again), but I think she was in the moment that she didn't even care. With her bun she even got a little hidden mickey barrette under her bun and a beautiful mini princess tiara!

After they finish with the hair they moved onto her nails and then make up. Again even though Talia was such a young age she listened to everything her Fairy Godmother In-Training asked her to do. They let her select the color eye shadow she want and lip gloss in the little makeup pallet. After she finished applying the makeup, she of course received the all-important pixie dust and then her sash! They had different sashes but she received the birthday princess one!

Then came the big reveal! The moment I teared up the most. Seeing her face and true excitement. Just seeing her happiness made the price tag 100% worth it. They then announce her to everyone in the castle before they help her off the chair. Once you finish they will give them their BBB cinch sack aka a string backpack and then your all set! You also get to keep the makeup, nail polish, face gems, and of course hair stuff.

Be sure to remember once you finish, to go over to Sir Mickey's, they have a small photopass studio for those who have used BBB. This studio is included with your Memory Maker which is a huge plus! If you do not have Memory Maker prior, I highly suggest getting it for the BBB photos and then the photopass studio photos! Disney Springs and Grand Floridian also have a studio! I will say the photopass studio at Disney Springs is the best! You can use it regardless if you've done BBB, but they have a green screen section plus the normal backdrop so it's cool. Now going back to the one at MK, they have little photo props that go with princesses so Talia had photos with an apple of course.

Every Cast Member at BBB and the photopass studio were just so amazing. They show the true magic of Disney still. Our Fairy Godmother In-Training was so amazing and truly made that magic for my daughter. All the other CMs we interacted with as well were just so amazing! My daughter walked around like royalty that day and was on cloud 9. Every CM we encountered on that day was just so magical! Most magical moments happened with meeting Snow White and then seeing Snow White again in the parade where she interacted with Talia and even brought the dwarfs over. I cried like a little baby. The entire day was just pure magic, not only to her but us too. I will also say, whatever they put in their hair to stay in the true magic because even after a nap in her stroller her hair was still perfect! So if you worried about doing it early and having their hair stay do not worry! The photo below with her with a Dumbo cookie was taken around 8 pm so almost 12 hours after her appointment. Her hair lasted until the next day!

Would I do the BBB again? Absolutely yes! When Jace turns three we plan on doing one of the knight packages for him! Also if you plan on making any fastpasses or dining reservations please at least give two to two and a half hours between the two. Just so you are not rushing and stressing, this is a magical moment and don't want to take away from it with doing this. I believe ours was around an hour and a half but also need to factor in the photopass studio as well and if they are running behind it could take longer as well. Also remember to get memory maker if you do not have it already! If you have an AP with it included your all set too of course! Not only is it great for BBB and the photopass studio but photos around the park, rides, and characters. Especially because you'll want all those precious memories from that day documented. It's also great for your entire trip! If you have any questions about BBB please don't hesitate to ask!

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